Ranok Creative

Bath Bombs with sea salt. Chocolate dessert

Bath Bombs with sea salt. Chocolate dessert
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4 bombs!
Bath bombs soften the water and take care of your skin, putting you in a great mood. When you plunge them into water, the bombs start bubbling and fizzing, creating a Jacuzzi effect and giving off a fantastic aroma.

• Code: 15160195А
• Size: 11,5х11,5х20 cm
• Age: 9+
• TM (Trade Mark): Ranok Creative
• The kit contains:
- baking soda
- citric acid
- flavored oil base
- sea salt
- food dye
- forms for bombs
- plastic spoon
- disposable gloves
- detailed instructions
Products → Kits for Girls → Your Spa Salon → Bath Bombs with sea salt. Chocolate dessert